Beyond Body Care Basics Session #1


10/10/2016 - 11/14/2016

Parent Meeting

Parents Meet   Oct. 6, Thursday 6:30-8:30

*Parent/guardian must attend in order for girl to participate in class session


Class Schedule

All classes are from 3:45-5:15

Oct. 10 Monday

Oct. 18 Tuesday

Oct. 26 Wednesday

Nov. 3 Thursday

Nov. 11 Friday

Nov. 14 Monday




**All major credit cards and checks accepted. Fill in your info below, then select your payment method from the drop down where it says 'Pay With' below. If you would like to pay with Cash or Check, select 'Pay Offline' and we will contact you to arrange payment.

This event is fully booked.

WANT TO REGISTER FOR MORE THAN ONE CLASS? Once you click 'Register', you will be routed to our shopping cart to complete registration and fill out all other necessary info. If you would like to register for more than one class, workshop, or event, simply navigate back to the schedule page from there and you can add as many as you like before checking out.