Parents AND kids think our programs are pretty great!

“All young girls and boys need a place to ask their questions, learn about themselves and their changing bodies, with a caring competent adult who may not necessarily be their parent. Karen provides that safe space and increases the children’s ability to then bring questions/open up discussions with their parents, making it easier for parents to connect with their kids around the issues of puberty and body image.”

“The Body Basics classes really gave my daughter and I amazing opportunities to connect, as Karen emphasized open inquiry. My daughter has gained more body confidence and looks forward to taking Body Basics classes in high school too.”

“I wanted to offer my daughter an opportunity to learn about her body in a way that was comfortable and in community with other girls. Karen offered that and more! I feel so lucky that Body Basics was there for us, and that it will be there for my younger daughter and me when the time comes. Thank heaven that, as women, we have moved beyond what many of our mothers offered us when we were our daughter’s age!” A.C.

“I went to the parent information meeting thinking I had “covered this stuff” with my two daughters and we probably didn’t “need” it. After a couple hours with Karen, however, I knew this wasn’t going to be just an information download. What Karen actually gives our girls is community, confidence, caring, and comedy during an important moment in their lives. Community, with Karen, the group, and with mom (me) in a way that wouldn’t have happened for us if it weren’t “assigned”; confidence that they would easily navigate changes that may have felt scary and mysterious; caring from Karen, mom – that they are seen and supported in their unique version of growing up; and, very importantly, a bit of comedy around the whole topic that makes the information digestible, intriguing, and….dare we say: fun! That my daughters had very different but equally valuable experiences going through the program (one 5th grade; one 6th) is a testament to Karen’s presence and vast experience in leading this work. My girls each got exactly what they needed, and the “ time-together homework” enabled some funny and sweet exchanges between us that we might not otherwise have had. Karen is an incredible gift to mothers and daughters, as well as to our community as a whole….and, while the information is central and solid, Body Basics is about so much more than bodies!”

“My 11 year old daughter did not want anything to with growing up. She hid her development under baggy clothing, and cried when I even tried to bring up the topic of puberty. I had heard such great things about Karen’s Body Basics class, but was fearful about how I would even get my daughter in the door! Well, Karen is there not just for the girls, but for the Mothers! She meets us mothers first, and first of all reassured me that my daughter is not the only one who fears puberty, and gave me specific words to say to my daughter when I told her she was signed up. Karen told us “just get your daughter to my door, and I will take care of the rest”, and she did. After the first class, my daughter no longer cried about going and we learned how to talk about her changing body comfortably. Four months ago, my daughter refused to acknowledge that her breasts were developing. One month after her BB class she took me into her room, closed the door, then matter of factly said she needed a bra, and she would like the jog bra style. I had promised her that I would not cry when she reached certain milestones (one of the things Karen had us talk about as an assignment), but I did end up hiding in my own room and crying with relief.”

“At first my kids were resistant to taking Body Basics. I wasn’t so sure it was worth it to make the time commitment given how overscheduled the world feels to kids right now. I am sure glad that we made it happen though. Both of my daughters got a lot from the class, both tangible and intangible. Karen is very gifted in how she nurtures the girls yet brings up important information in a fun and impactful way. After they attended their first class, there was never any hesitation about going back. Both of my girls wanted more classes after the first Body Basics, or just more time with Karen in any way, shape or form. I was impressed with how inclusive the classes felt and I was an engaged part of the process all along. Although I provided a good many books and opportunities for conversation with my girls on the topics covered by Karen, I don’t believe it sunk it or became part of the real conversation like it did after taking Body Basics. Karen offers a special opportunity for girls to freely explore sensitive topics with grace, humor, intelligence and curiosity. She is a gifted teacher and I am hoping she will add more classes to take them all the way through adulthood!”