Is Your Parenting Power Cape On or Off When You Are Parenting? I hear about all kinds of parenting. Parenting that makes me cringe and parenting that fills me with a big YES. Parents tell me about their parenting after the fact, and in that reflection they are usually...
“Hi! How was your day?” Those are the first words you cheerfully blurt out in anticipation of hearing all about her day as your daughter pops into the car at pick-up after school. A curt “fine.” is what you get in response instead. Hurt from the brief and...
“She doesn’t laugh at my jokes anymore. I am no longer funny to her and I don’t what to do. I don’t know how to connect with her.” This is something I hear from a lot from dads and they are genuinely confused. “One day I was funny and anything I would say could...
I hear it from parents all the time. “After an emotional freak-out, she stomps off to her room, dramatically slams the door and melts into hot, angry tears. Then a little while later she comes out and acts like nothing happened.” You may notice this...