[RETREAT] 5th Grade: Connecting with Your Daughter: Summer 2019


07/12/2019 - 07/14/2019

For mothers with daughters going into 6th grade

July 12-14, 2019
Buckhorn Springs Resort,
Ashland, Oregon


Where exactly is Buckhorn Springs Resort?

Wouldn’t it be delightful for you and your daughter to leave all the demands of your busy life behind for 2 nights and 3 days and just retreat into each other for a little while where nobody can find you?

Where you only have to wonder what will be served for breakfast, lunch and dinner, whether you want to do yoga in the morning together or sleep in a little, or lightly contemplate if you want to use feathers or strings some beads along the rim of the mama-dawta bowl you are making with your girl? Delightful indeed.

The Buckhorn Springs Resort is located 20 easy minutes just outside of beautiful Ashland, Oregon, nestled under ancient oaks, aromatic cedars with open meadows in the Buckhorn Springs Valley. Come disappear with us.


Cozy up together…and remember to bring the bubble bath!

Each mother-daughter pair will have a private room in the lodge or be in the cabins built in the late 1800’s and lovingly restored to their simplicity. Each room in the lodge has queen and/or single beds and a private bath with a bathtub in the room. The room’s name reflects the theme in which it was decorated; The Willow Room, The Cowboy Room, The 1940’s Room, The 1920’s Room. Very sweet.

The cozy one to two room cabins line a boardwalk that flanks the huge organic vegetable and flower garden on one side of the cabin and Buckhorn Creek on the other, with the historic bathhouse at the end. Most cabins have a mini kitchenette.


3 homemade, delicious, vegetarian meals a day…that you didn’t cook

Owner and chef Leslie Sargent has been providing mouthwatering home-cooked meals at Buckhorn for over 20 years and for the Mother-Daughter Retreat for 12 years. Some of the recipes she uses at the retreat can be found in The Buckhorn Springs Cookbook.

Using seasonally fresh organic vegetables from her garden and eggs from her hens as well as foods from local farms and ranches, everything from Leslie’s kitchen is unique, simple and delicious. Her homemade Buckhorn Granola and Sesame Cookies are retreat favorites.

Recipes are created to suit a variety of dietary needs due to allergies and food restrictions. There are gluten-free options at every meal. Retreat participants may share a small refrigerator in the lodge for specific needs, but the main kitchen is not available for participant meal preparation.

All meals are served buffet style in the Buckhorn dining room in the Lodge with candlelight and plenty of conversation. And oh yes, there is dessert.


OK, so there is eating and sleeping…but what else?

The Mother and Daughter Retreat staff have worked for years to fine-tune simple but amazing crafts, fun activities and sweet little rituals for mothers and daughters to do together throughout the day and into the evening.

We have pajama yoga (yup, you come in your jammies) to gently awaken into the day and cuddles and song to tuck you in at night. Everything in between is carefully thought out and orchestrated to hold both you and your daughter in tender celebration. We have all sorts of surprises (the good kind) for you to experience throughout our three days together. Trust us, you will be delighted!

The pure intention of this retreat is for the two of you to spend time together with other mothers with girls of the same age and time in life. How simple. There is no agenda around counseling the mother-daughter relationship, but we will offer some new ideas around your mother-daughter relating throughout the weekend to nurture your bond.


What people have said about the retreat

“The time away from all obligations and interruptions gave us a chance to focus on our relationship. The fact that the focus was on our bond in womanhood made it even more special. We both returned home feeling very lucky to have each other and to have had such a unique chance to express our love for each other.” Mother, M.A.

“I thought that making things together made us really discuss things. I really felt close to my Mom.” Daughter, T.Y.

“It is hard to single out an activity that didn’t enrich our already special relationship. Nighttime with candles, music and simple ceremony left me with some beautiful symbolic images of my daughter, I will never forget.” Mother, K.S.

“…to take your relationship to new depths and enjoy being in the company of other mothers and daughters who want to experience the same quality relationship with each other that you do. It shows our daughters, and ourselves, the importance of being a woman.” Mother, K.R.

“We spent quality time together under the stars, enjoying each other’s company…away from the boys!” Daughter J.R.


Retreat Pricing

$890 per mother~daughter pair

A $200 deposit is required to reserve your spot in the retreat. The deposit can be paid online below, or coordinated offline by emailing karen@bodybasicsandbeyond.com. The deposit is non-refundable unless a letter can be provided by a licensed medical professional stating valid medical reasons for cancellation.

This includes:

  • Two nights lodging (single occupancy)
  • 3 full meals a day;  buffet breakfast, lunch, and dinner
  • Snacks, special treats, coffee and tea service
  • Photo documentation
  • All activities, arts and crafts supplies, retreat materials and printed resources
  • Full-time staff

Payment Plans

Payment plans available. Please email karen@bodybasicsandbeyond.com if you are interested in arranging a payment plan.

Retreat Details

  • Arrival time is 1:00 pm on the first day of the retreat. The retreat ends on the third day  promptly at 5:00 pm. In order to establish and maintain the integrity of the retreat, late arrivals and early departures are not an option.
  • A month before the retreat you will receive all the information you need to ensure a comfortable and positive experience with us (packing list, meal menu, directions, etc.)

I have a few more questions…

Email Karen at karen@bodybasicsandbeyond.com or call 541-601-2849.

I am in! How do I sign my daughter and I up?

  1. Pay the $200 deposit and reserve a space for you and your daughter below.
  2. If you would prefer to make the deposit offline, select ‘Pay Offline’ at checkout and mail a check for $200 (non-refundable) made out to Body Basics and Beyond to:

Body Basics and Beyond
165 Gresham St.
Ashland, OR 97520

You will receive email confirmation and a receipt of payment. The remaining tuition is due upon arrival at the retreat.



**All major credit cards and checks accepted. Fill in your info below, then select your payment method from the drop down where it says 'Pay With' below. If you would like to pay with Cash or Check, select 'Pay Offline' and we will contact you to arrange payment.

Bookings are closed for this event.

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